Making Magical Spell Candles
Creating spell candles has been a passion of mine for long time. I love how it gives us the positive lift when we burn these candles that I sell. It is what I aim for every time I do my candles. Of course to be clear here, I don't slap my candles together right then and there. A lot of time and energy goes into each candle I make for each person. But before we get to how I make my candles, Let's first introduce the master behind my work, my healing guide Jason :) Jason is my master healer guide and while he is quite shy most of the time what I love about Jason is he is super sweet, gentle and he has a lot of wisdom to share about the herbs oils and stones . He guides me through my process of each candle that I make.
1. Before I make the candles, its best that I refer to a few books to make sure I have the right ingredients for my candle. I recommend using two of Scott Cunningham's books, One is Called Encyclopedia and Magical Herbs and the other one is called called Crystal. Gem and Metal Magic. Both books are great for reference to see what feels good to put in the candle. Personally, I love to have the experience of herbs and stones. I like to go to a metaphysical shop where I can smell the herbs and feel each stone in my hand. That might sound silly but honesty, it is part of experience in selecting the herbs and stones. To feel connected in what you are working with is so important. I always feel the energy of everything ingredient before I decide if that is the correct ingredient I be using in my candles.
2. I don't have a set timing in doing my candles. I make candles when I feel the energy is right to make them. Rather that saying what day or time I need to do the candles, I find it better to just get that feeling that its time to make the candle. In fact, the candle has a better flow of energy when I do it this way. I plan when to make it. My guides have a way to increase the energy in the room naturally then tell me its to make the candle. I can also feel the difference of energy when I enter my room. It has this big positive energy force around my work space when I begin my candle work. I work in very high vibrations of energy when I make a candle. It fact its sometimes can be hard for me to sleep if I do the candles late at night. blame St. Christopher or my guide Sarah for that. I don't know what they do to raise the energy of my room but it can be very insanely high in vibrations before for start!
3. I print out your intentions for the candle. In fact I have it right with me and I sit down read it several times out loud to myself. Why? Because I am reading your energy . I also double check all my ingredients, the herbs and oils and the stones I have before I begin. Reading your energy before I begin making the candle is important, I want to make sure I understand what we are trying to manifest here so I must make sure I have the right visualization.
4. During the process of the candle making I usually like to add the oils first. I will poor each oil in my hand, and visualize the energy going into the oil and its like telling the oil what their purpose is to do. i can actually feel the energy going into the oil before I rub the oil into the beeswax. I do this for each oil I need add. by the time the oil is done it is pretty oily on the beeswax but I love it that way as I feel it gives a bigger energy burst!
6. Next I add the herbs, just like the oils I visualize each herb I am adding in there, and its purpose. I again tell the herbs what they are suppose to do before I add them in, making sure I am sending the energy into the herbs before I sprinkle it on the beeswax.
7. Energy stones go in last. I find it easier to add the stones in there last. Plus, the upside to this , I already energized the oils ad herbs that my hands are already full of energy so the stones are going to have an easier time absorbing all the energy. I put the stones at the bottom of the candle. Once I am done, I start rolling up my candles. Sometimes I put one stone , in and roll half way and then add the next stone later. Of course this all depends on how the energy while the candle is being made. There are also times when I think I need to add another oil or herb during the process while I am rolling the candle. It may sound funny, but again energy shifts as I roll the candle, I can feel what is needed in the candle as I work through the process of it.
8. Once its all rolled up I seal it with more energy. I make sure that I feel the entire candle's energy. I have this thing of checking my work and making sure it feels balanced. In fact what is neat about making these candles is that when I am done with the candle, I can tell how the candle is feeling at the time and I do get the sense the candle will work its magic. Another great thing is that there are sometimes were I have a little brief message from the candle and I make sure I give that message to the person receiving the candle. I explain what I felt, saw and sensed throughout making each candle. It's pretty neat as I do feel its important to let the client know what energy is coming through the candle. I like them to be aware of the energy they will be working with.
9. I am also in a positive mood when make each candle! No doubts ever enter my mind when I do the entire process. I am always focused on the entire intention from start to finish per candle.
10. Lets glitter the candle. Beeswax sticks to pretty much anything so I don't to put glue or anything on it. All I do is roll the candle into the candle. And yes, I send energy into the glitter. I just visualize the energy and put my hands over the glitter a bit... Since this candle is green I am working with green and silver to blend both colors together...
11. Finally, when its all done I log all the ingredients and oils for each candle I make for the client. It is all logged into my excel program. When the client sees results and requests the same candle I can go back to reference what I put in it :)
12. Ok time to light my candle :) For those of you that want to know what candle I just made for myself, its another money candle to keep up the energy for my business and bring in the money I need to make sure I have more than enough money coming in for me. And of course I have been putting in on my money spell jar to make it even more powerful for myself. I love honey spell jars now and will have them out for sale in my shop next year .