Hi Everyone!
I know the blog has been really quiet but that's because I have finally decided to revamp my PsychicJoelle.com site. Part of me changing is because blogger was giving me a lot of problems that I just couldn't bother with it...
Here's a popular question I get all the time: Is there a way to fix my relationship, or bring him/ her closer? What seems to be recommended by me a lot is two two sets of candles. Many of my customers have found the combination of...
I can't believe spring is here! It's one of favorite seasons of the year. Besides the wonderful weather that I get living in California , I love spring because it also means its time to clear out the old and bring in new energies. Every spring, I reorganizing...
Most of probably know the most common way to use Spell Oils is to add it to a spell candle, make a wish and then let the magic begin. Did you know there are other effective ways to work the magic of these oils? Depending on the purpose...
It's time for another Giveaway. This month you can win a Sleep Spell candle. If you have been having difficulty sleeping , this Lavender Vanilla scented candle is dressed with some sleep herbs that can help you get a nice restful sleep and bring more calming...
Congrats on our Winner XTY Cruz! She has won the Eternal Love Spell Candle. The next Giveaway will be up shortly. Stayed Tuned. Thank you for all who participated in the giveaway....
Karma Candles at my shop has been a hit! I really happy that scent itself is new favorite. So how do Karma candles work? These are not return to sender for those that have harm you. I don't even do that kind of spell work. Besides my magic candles...