Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Angel Cards for Week 5/5

 It's time to work with messages from the angels once again!  So have you decided what card you like this week?   I hope these cards  each week are  inspirational  and empowering for you to take with you  during the week. May these  messages offer you  wisdom and give you a bit of guidance for the week ahead of you. If you  need more deeper  insight, psychic readings are always available and I am even running a special rate  for live  chat and  phone readings :) 

In the mean time its gets started  for this week.  For Card 1,  its that P  word for PATIENCE. It says how is the time to learn, study and gather information. Enjoy being a student, because in the future, you will synthesize your knowledge into action." This is the time  to learn new things or new ways of doing things, if you are  unfamiliar with it,  just relax and allow yourself to  absorb the new  information being presented to you.  Pace yourself and be patient  with the knowledge you are gaining. Even if you don't know why you are learning  the things  that you are learning, realize in time this will pay off for you. you will achieve results in your life once you have acquired all the necessary  information  and are able to put all of this knowledge into action. The  best results are the ones that are willing to wait for the results to unfold.

 Card  2 is for Athena,  which says "It is safe for you to be powerful. You Know how to be powerful in a loving way that benefits others as well as yourself". Do not  be of  your own power is what this card means. Speak your mind and stop worrying  about what others might think of you.  It's important to be yourself and  realize you have deep wisdom to share with those that are around you. Sure some people may frown on your honesty, but that doesn't mean they  don't value what you have to say. Even if they don't like what they hear, realize  in time they will see what you were trying to teach them.  Remember to be yourself, be who you are and say your own truth.  This will help you enhance your self esteem, your relationships  and redefine your life purpose.

Card 3 is  Omega which says " Victory! Your desire is coming to fruition. Keep up the good work!"  This card means that you have decided to go with the flow and flow the divine guidance that you have been receiving. you have let go doubts or worries and  decided that  instead of worrying or wondering if you will  get results, you decided to trust the universe to  do its magic. Well this is going to pay off  very soon for you. Everything you have  been wanting to unfold  will do so soon! you'll be  reaping  the rewards soon enough, so keep doing what you are doing for yourself and pretty soon you will  see the results.

  Let me know  how these cards  resonated with you  this week. Did you connect with  your card this week? What do you think so far?


  1. Thanks Joelle! I chose Patience. We just finished a long and painful move to a new home. I know that this is the start of a new chapter in my life. I want to focus on taking care of my health, and I really need patience to make long term changes.
    As always the cards are right :)

  2. Hi, I just got the patience card. I pulled cards for myself and the other day I got this same card from a different deck. I have been spending time gathering information as much as possible. Just ordered 4 books and another deck of cards. Today I pulled the focus card. Thank you. :) HUGS!

  3. Twitch Lynne, I am glad to see the cards have been right with you every time youre picking them out! Always good to have confirmation :)

  4. Degirljt, its always good that you have patience, and its a great focus card, remember it will pay off in the end when we are patient :)


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