Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving Recap

 Each year for Thanksgiving, I need to drive up to my dad's house as my Uncle David  always seems to  throw a Thanksgiving  party at his house. I always arrive the  night  to prepare things  for Thanksgiving day.  Of course,  these last two years,  I have  learned to make the  turkey.  Usually , my mom  does the  turkey but  since mom passed away  last year, I have  taken over  learning how to do it myself.  Now I must  admit,  last year  it was  an experimentation  turkey but I managed to make it just right.  I was a bit nervous doing  the first one but who wouldn't be right?  My dad told me last year "  If mom was  here, she would have  not let you bring an experiment turkey."  So yes, that might be true as my mom likes to make sure her dishes are  perfect  but for me,   I am different I  just flow  with my  cooking and make  them!  My  dad  finds it  entertaining that I am  brave enough to bring  experimenting dishes to parties.  Honesty, I just cook out of love and I seem to have this way  of praying to spirit and asking them to help me make  something delicious. Dad laughs at how I pray to  the universe for my cooking but then I tell him it works! It comes out  pretty tasty and  pretty much close to the recipe the first time.  I might have a  to tweak something  later but I  pretty much  figure it all out by the 2nd or 3rd time I do a  recipe  whether its  cooking or baking.