This weekend I worked on cleaning up the blog a bit. As much as I like the notebook template for some reason I just felt that I needed a fresh look here and I do hope you like the new template I have going on in my blog. I am the type that likes pastel looking colors and I actually love flowers too and the color pink hence I decided to go with this three column blog template. I moved a bit of things around on there but I actually felt it was more brighter and cleaner and a bit more organized. It seems easier to work with too. The template did take out my Facebook comments section but I also felt that facebook comment thing was giving it an issue and it wasn't as active so I am not adding it it back on . However,with the new look I think this has a better flower to it and I love the gal on there, this would be represent me in a way which is why I picked this layout. I know its a bit girlie but I am the girlie type as well since I pretty much a kid at heart and likes all sorts of cute stuff especially stuff animals. :)