Our Shop Feature this week is Basmati Bags. I have to say that the quality of these bags are impeccable. I love the quality of them and the fabric she is using is very nice. Lovely bags , I can tell them are done very nice. Here's more about this little shop. Enjoy! :)
1) How did you come up with the Name of your Shop?
The name of our company came about through irony. Basmati Bags started because the owner (Sara T.) was frustrated that she needed a new bag and couldn't find anything that was both functional, fashionable, and environmentally conscious. But her roommate at the time was an interior designer who had a whole bunch of beautiful fabric samples, and Sara had a whole bunch of burlap food packaging from the all the basmati rice she'd been eating...so before she knew what was happening, she was making her own functional ecochic bags. And the rest is history.