Ever since I discovered Cardamom I love the power of its magic. Cardamom is best known to seduce the special someone that you have your eye on and it works effectively. It's magic so alluring that really using this seed is probably one of the best herbs to use when it comes to love magic. Adding this herb to other love herbs is highly effective. In fact its consider a good herb for intimacy or bringing in sexual energy into your relationships. Just lighting the seeds invoke the strength that can bring in the romantic energy. The seeds itself is powerful. Let's not forget the pod that protects the seeds. The pod itself is just as powerful. Personally I like getting the whole cardamon pods and breaking them apart as I add it to my candles or oils. I encourage you to give it a try. In fact I think its even better to get the Whole Cardamom that comes with the shell. The one thing I learned about cardmon is when you use a mortar and pedestal to break the shell off it, I can actually feel the magic already in it. Just focus your intention on it when you are ready to break the shell... what do you want the cardamon to do? Attract someone to you? Bring a lover closer to you? Draw in more sexual energy to you? Be sure you know what your intention is with those pods are before you grind them away.
Here's a spell oil that you can try with cardamom
You will need: 1 oz glass jar, (color jar) I use brown ones at my shop but as long as its colored it will help protect the oil.
Sweet Almond oil or Grapeseed oil , way better for your skin and will last a long time over olive oil or vegetable oil...
Cardamom pods and a handful of Rose petals,
Rose Absolute Essential oil or Otto, and Cardamon oil, the real stuff folks. Yes its expensive but it works. Do Not Attempt to be cheap and try imitation stuff, it doesnt work. Practically every oil I make in my shop has Real Pure Essential oils.
Step one: Grind the Rose Petals and Cardmon together... visualize the energy going into those herbs as if you have it already. If it is for someone you love visualize as if you have that loving relationship. If its more on an intimate level, visualize that intention and start grinding away... personally I like grinding away until I feel my hand wants to stop usually it gets a bit tired that is how I send my energy through the herbs I grind by hand. once you are done add them to your dark glass bottle
Step 2: Fill it up with Sweet almond or grapeseed oil, dont fill it to the top just to the shoulder of the bottle... this helps you adjust if you need to.
Step 3: Add the essential oil drops to the dark bottle... how many drops? Well this is the fun part, making your own personal spell oil means you should go with your intuition and ask yourself how many drops it go into it... I start with 2 drops each , actually rose is so strong and so expensive that 2 drops of it is plenty... cardmon I tend to go between 3-5 drops but that is my preference
4.. put the lid on and shake the bottle vigorously until your hand is tired! Again visualize the intention of what this spell oil is for... you can chant if you want , just be in sync and dont stop shake the bottle until you had wants to stop..
5. Let the bottle sit at least for a day :) blending takes time and the this little spell oil works even better when you let the oil sit for at least 2-4 weeks you will find over time the oil becomes stronger. I personally like to do a 6-8 week period at least for more effective power to the oil but again that is my preference.
Enjoy you little Love spell oil, may attract your desires. For more herbs:
visit here for your magical needs.