The Magic of Spell Candle Tarts
If you havent already noticed, I have been slowly adding my collection of the spell candle tarts to my shop. All spell tarts are made of pure beeswax which I have tested and found out the scent of the tarts are very strong and long lasting. I have been hearing about how scented tarts are starting to be popular in electric warmers and it was a good friend of mine that mentioned making tarts for shop. Nevertheless, I started experimenting with the spell tarts. All spell tarts have charged herbs in each of them which I hand grind and charge up with intentions so its ready to go for your magical needs.
When it comes to spell tarts this is what I normally do, I get everything ready to set up my candle of choice. It is all depending on what I am casting at that time. Let's say I want to do a Love candle. Here are the steps I do in a general love spell.
Step 1. You need a Red Candle. Red is a good color for general attracting love overall. As always, I will add the spell oil to the candle. Pick a spell oil you connect with. I like Love oil but there are other oils that you can work with, its all a choice of preference. Rub the spell oil all the way around the candle and start visualizing the love you want to attract... since we are doing a general love attraction candle I think one of the best ways to do this general love attraction is to have general visualization of the how a relationship would be in your life. Its much easier to work it that way then to focus on a specific person you are trying to attract, this way you are open to all the possibilities. Then light the candle. If you are looking for a love candle, try this Love Pillar candle pictured above.
Step 2. I like spell incense because burning spell incense gives it an extra energy to push it out of energy. I have a cauldron and I usually light charcoal and then add Love incense powder immediately... You can feel the power of the positivity being pushed out which the Love candle is burning on the side.
3. Because incense burns so quickly, this is why spell tarts are a great addition to casting spells. I take 2 Love spell tarts and hold them in my hand while I visualize the same intention I started with at the beginning with the candle. then drop into the electric warmer and let the tarts melt slowly. The scent will fill up the entire room. What this does is that brings in more positive energy that you can feel.
4. Because pillar candles need to burn slowly between 2-4 hours a time depending on the size of the candle, the best part is the same tarts can be used several times. These spell tarts, can be used for about 10-12 ( for 2 cubes) hours, you just have experiment and see how it works for you.
Give spell tarts a try, I personally have loving it and its something I do every now and then when I feel I need that extra magic touch.
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